Q: What is included in the rental?
- A: Surtitles in PowerPoint format and a fully marked title piano/vocal score. We will incorporate any cuts you give us before sending the titles to you. The titles are sent in a timely fashion before production week.
Q: What is your shipping policy?
- A: The PowerPoint script is sent by e-mail. The Score is sent by U.S. mail. WORDS FOR MUSIC pays the postage to ship the score. The renter pays the return postage, and the score must be returned within one week of the final performance. The score must be insured for $500.
Q: What is the fee?
- A: Fees are negotiated, based on size of theater and number of performances.
Q: What is the payment arrangement?
- A: Payment is made by check and mailed to WORDS FOR MUSIC at an address provided. Payment must be received before rental materials are sent.
Q: What does the renter supply?
- A: Equipment, personnel and facilities necessary for surtitle operation, as well as a specified surtitle credit in the production program.
Q: Will you do titles for any opera?
- A: With enough lead time, we are available to write titles for most productions and concerts.
Q: Will you provide samples of your cuing score?
Q: Will you provide a contract?
- A: Yes – a sample is on this website.
Q: Will you permit changes to the titles?
- A: We are willing to discuss changes to the titles.